Month: July 2014

Dayton UM Speaking Audio

Posted Jul 24, 2014 9:11am
Lori wanted to share the audio from her time speaking to the congregation at Dayton UM from this past weekend. I take up the first chunk of time speaking too, but I don’t blame you if you just skip ahead to when Lori talks. It’s much better.

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Dr. Burstein

We met with Dr. Burstein this afternoon at Dana-Farber. He was nice to talk to, and he was very blunt about Lori’s diagnosis. We didn’t really learn anything new about the prognosis, but we did gain his philosophy on treatment. Bottom line: he is similar to Dr S. but he seemed more excited about a couple of trial options than Dr. S. does. Continue reading

A Busy Month

Tomorrow, Lori and I are hopping on a plane from Indy to Boston. We’ll stay two nights. Wednesday morning, we meet with a Dana Farber oncologist for a consult concerning the direction of Lori’s care. We feel good that this visit will provide some added fidelity concerning Lori’s treatment plan. Continue reading

Dana Farber

Yesterday, we went to Indy for a follow-up with the pain specialists and a check-in with Dr. S. The pain dr was very very happy with her healing. The pump has almost completely taken away all of her back and leg pain. She has pain from the incisions from her surgery, but that’s normal and will fade soon as she continues to heal. It was a quick appointment. Continue reading

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