Month: May 2015 (page 2 of 2)

Late Rally

For the past 20 hours, she was very loopy and still experiencing pain at a 3 to 4 level. Sometimes 5. That was through a significantly higher amount of dilauded pain meds. Today, the hospitalist (who sucks at cancer stuff but is great at acute care) came in with a plan to control the pain. We planned to slowly increase the amount of dilauded and to administer it at a regular interval. Every two hours she received .5 mg which is pretty much equivalent to the old pain pump’s prescribed entire daily output. For the first 4 segments (8 hours) she still experienced pain at a level 4 or 5. Not a good sign. Continue reading

Tough Days

I’ll be brief because I’m in the ER triage with Lori. On the way to my parent’s house today following her appointments in Indy, Lori began feeling very hard and sharp pains in her arms, thighs, and lower back. We drove the last 15 minutes home and she was wrestling quite a bit with the pain. I noticed it wasn’t routine. Continue reading

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